Sustainability is a concept that refers to the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves balancing social, economic, and environmental considerations to ensure long-term well-being for current and future generations. It is worth noting that sustainability is not new; read any of the work by W. Edwards Deming (for example, Out of the Crisis or New Economics). There are generally three elements to sustainability:

  1. Environmental 
  2. Social 
  3. Economic 

Sustainability and the Organization 

Sustainability is not new; most for-profit organizations must control spending delivering the best product or service to the customer.  Everything from material use and waste to process optimization efforts. All of this is part of the business case, which is at least in part a function of sustaining the organization. A company that is not profitable will not be in the business long. This is true even for businesses that are not for profit; the balance is between the value the organization provides to society and the cost of providing that value.   

Team Member Implication 

If you have worked in project management for any time, you and your team members will likely have experienced many weeks of long hours to accomplish the project objectives. Sometimes, this is pressed upon the team, perhaps through poor estimates or an inappropriate strategy for the project. Perpetually working long hours is not a sustainable position in which to be. 

Adding sustainable requirements to the project scope may require education, training, and additional project hours of execution for the team. It may also mean adding members from the areas of science, social, and environmental. These members may be SMEs, stakeholders, or members responsible for deliverables in these areas.  

Project Management Implications 

Project managers have long been charged with project control to meet the business case expectations and alert the sponsors when the risk, cost, quality, and delivery are potentially compromised. Project Management continues to evolve. As organizations focus on the state of the planet, in recent years a new term has appeared: Sustainable Project Management or SPM. 

Sustainable Project Management  

SPM involves incorporating environmental, social, and economic considerations into the planning and execution of projects. SPM is about balancing the triple bottom line—people, planet, and profit. This approach aims to create long-term value not only for the project itself but also for the broader community and environment. 

It's essentially about being responsible and forward-thinking in managing and implementing projects. 

In practice, it might involve using eco-friendly materials, considering the social impact on local communities, minimizing waste, and ensuring that the project contributes positively to the well-being of both people and the planet.  

Sustainable Project Management Model 

A successful Sustainable Project Management model is not a one-size-fits-all approach but is tailored to the specific context of the project and its stakeholders. It involves a holistic view of sustainability, incorporating social, environmental, and economic considerations throughout the project's life cycle. 

A successful Sustainable Project Management model incorporates the following key elements: 

Triple Bottom Line Considerations: 

  • Balances economic, social, and environmental considerations to create value for the project and its stakeholders (see above). 

Stakeholder Engagement: 

  • Involves stakeholders at every stage to gather diverse perspectives and ensure that the project meets the needs and expectations of the community. 

Life Cycle Assessment: 

  • Considers the project's entire life cycle, from planning and development to execution, maintenance, and eventual decommissioning. 
  • Where projects are developing products, understanding the product lifecycle, including disposal or recovery of materials, are considered. 

Measurable Objectives: 

  • Sets clear and measurable sustainability goals, allowing for tracking and evaluation of the project's impact over time. 
  • See team impact above. 

Continuous Improvement: 

  • Implements feedback loops and regular assessments to identify opportunities for improvement in sustainability practices and project performance. 
  • Waste and poor-quality products are a source of consumption and contrary to sustainability. 

Risk Management: 

  • Identifies and addresses potential sustainability risks, such as environmental impact, social conflicts, or economic challenges, to mitigate negative consequences. 


  • Adopts agile and adaptive methodologies to respond to changing circumstances, ensuring that sustainability practices remain relevant and effective. 

Transparency and Accountability: 

  • Maintains transparent communication with stakeholders regarding the project's sustainability initiatives and progress, holding the project team accountable for meeting sustainability goals. 

Social Responsibility: 

  • Integrates social responsibility into decision-making processes, considering the impact on local communities, workers, and other relevant social factors. 

Resource Efficiency: 

  • Promotes efficient use of resources, minimizing waste and optimizing processes to reduce the project's environmental footprint. 

Ethical Practices: 

  • Adheres to ethical standards in all aspects of the project, ensuring fair and responsible practices in areas such as procurement, labor, and data management. 

Knowledge Sharing: 

  • Encourages the sharing of knowledge and best practices with the broader community, fostering collaboration and contributing to industry-wide sustainability efforts. 

Corporate Culture: 

  • The driving force to ensure decisions are made in support of our sustainability efforts is corporate culture. 
  • The culture of sustainability requires uncomfortable decisions to be made by executives and leadership, walk the walk. 


Software development is different from hardware in ways, but still is an area for improvement. In software development, Sustainable Project Management can be applied in several ways: 

Green Computing Practices: 

  • Optimize code and algorithms to reduce energy consumption. 
  • Efficiently use hardware resources to minimize environmental impact. 

Lifecycle Assessment: 

  • Consider the environmental impact of the entire software lifecycle, from development to deployment and eventual decommissioning. 
  • Assess and minimize the carbon footprint associated with server hosting and data storage. 

User Experience and Accessibility: 

  • Prioritize user experience to ensure software is intuitive and efficient, reducing the need for extensive user training and support. 
  • Ensure software is accessible to users with disabilities, promoting social sustainability. 

Open Source and Collaboration: 

  • Embrace open-source development, fostering collaboration and reducing redundant efforts across projects. 
  • Share knowledge and resources with the development community to create more sustainable solutions. 

Agile and Lean Principles: 

  • Adopt agile methodologies to promote adaptability and responsiveness to changing requirements, reducing unnecessary work. 
  • Implement lean principles to minimize waste in development processes. 

Remote Work and Flexibility: 

  • Support remote work options to reduce commuting and office-related energy consumption. 
  • Foster a healthy work-life balance, promoting the well-being of the development team. 

Security and Data Privacy: 

  • Prioritize robust security measures to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access, promoting social and economic sustainability. 
  • Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations to protect user information and build trust. 

Continuous Improvement: 

  • Regularly assess and improve development processes to enhance efficiency and reduce resource consumption. 
  • Stay updated on emerging technologies and practices that contribute to sustainable software development. 

By integrating these practices, software development teams can contribute to a more sustainable and responsible approach, considering not only the immediate functionality of the software but also its broader impact on the environment, society, and the economy. 

The adoption of Sustainable Project Management practices varies worldwide and across industries. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability, and many organizations are incorporating sustainable principles into their project management processes. However, the extent to which Sustainable Project Management is used globally can be challenging to quantify precisely. 

Several factors contribute to the adoption of sustainable practices in project management: 

Regulatory Environment: 

  • Regions with stringent environmental and social regulations often see higher adoption of sustainable project management practices as organizations strive to comply with legal requirements. 

Industry Awareness: 

  • Certain industries, such as construction, energy, and manufacturing, may be more inclined to adopt sustainable practices due to their significant environmental and social impact. 

Organizational Culture: 

  • Companies prioritizing corporate social responsibility and sustainability in their overall business strategy are more likely to integrate sustainable principles into project management. 

Global Initiatives: 

  • International organizations and initiatives, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, influence businesses and governments to incorporate sustainability into their projects. 

Knowledge and Education: 

  • The level of awareness and education on sustainable practices in project management plays a crucial role. As awareness grows, more organizations are likely to adopt sustainable approaches. 

Sustainability is a dynamic and evolving concept, and its integration into project management practices is ongoing.  

It is important to note that the project manager’s role is to champion sustainability. The project plan must include the areas of sustainability that a particular project should encompass. The project manager must ensure that the team executes sustainability, welcomes input from the team & stakeholders, and look for sustainable activities through the project. The execution and involvement of all sustainable activities should be documented as lessons learned for future projects.  


While Sustainability Project Management is a young endeavor, as mentioned earlier, it is evolving. Much like other methodologies, some organizations will fully adapt it and not so much by others. Rest assured that it is not ‘here today and gone tomorrow’. Our guess is that Agile took off and Agile project managers became sought-after people, so will project managers with Sustainable Project Management experience.