Article Overview 

DevOps, as one of the most successful software development approaches, brought a lot of value for the process and the people.  

Table of Contents

  1. How does the DevOps Approach Work? 
  2. DevOps and the Scope of Project Management 
  3. Agile Project Management
  4. Incorporating Microservices 
  5. Demands for Expertise in Handling Dependencies 
  6. Project Managers should Rethink Schedules and Plans 
  7. A Bigger Emphasis on MVP Approach
  8. Conclusion

DevOps has been instrumental in writing better code, provisioning of developers and operations in collaborative roles, ensuring a better infrastructure, and helping with the software testing process. DevOps has also emerged as a culture facilitating collaborative development devoid of process silos. Naturally, the DevOps approach has given rise to more efficiency in software project management.

On the other hand, project managers, thanks to this approach, are required to mitigate new roles and responsibilities befitting to the DevOps environment. So, while DevOps played the role of a catalyst in project management, the project managers should also fulfill the typical DevOps requirements for taking advantage of the approach for their software projects. Without evolving, the project managers can now find themselves outdated in the DevOps development environment. 

Here through the length of this post, we will explain the correlative evolution of DevOps approach and project management. 

How does the DevOps Approach Work? 

DevOps has emerged as the most developer-friendly approach for modern software projects with a sharp focus on software quality and performance. To understand the benefits of the approach, it is important to know how DevOps works. 
DevOps approach mitigates the workload by bringing together cross-functional teams who share great mutual trust, common values, and project objectives. In a DevOps environment, the team members' incentives are aligned equally across multiple departments and disciplines. This helps to keep morale and motivation high for all team members. 
Secondly, DevOps gives a lot of emphasis on incorporating automation into software projects. Various tasks are directly carried out using automation tools, and automation is used wherever it is suitable. From QA and testing processes to managing configuration to version controls and continuous delivery of the software application, automation is used throughout the project. 
Lastly, in DevOps environments, the scope of iteration and feedback-based development input is given a lot of scopes. The workflow is improved incrementally, and technical feedback loops are utilized to bring incremental improvement for the software projects wherever possible. 

DevOps and the Scope of Project Management 

Now that we have a comprehensive idea about DevOps' work let us have a quick look at the different ways this development approach is making value additions to projects and making the job of project managers easier.  

Agile Project Management

Agile development methodology, which is widely incorporated into DevOps projects, also helps in shaping the project management with agile characteristics. Thanks to agile development, continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) becomes part of the DevOps environment. Naturally, the project managers of DevOps projects need to have working expertise with these delivery models. 

Incorporating Microservices 

Since DevOps is more about facilitating collaboration and improving quality and boosting pace through iterations and continuous development, the granular component-based development suits the environment better. This is why Microservices architecture continues to be popular for DevOps projects. Thanks to Microservices architecture, project managers can ensure better quality and more precise control over different aspects of development. 

Demands for Expertise in Handling Dependencies

Since Microservices architecture comes with multilayered and multifaceted development with isolated development of various components, project managers need to handle dependencies better to ensure cohesive workflow and optimum output of projects. This is also important because of the fast-paced continuous delivery where the increase in delivery results in the increase of dependencies. 

Project Managers should Rethink Schedules and Plans 

When it comes to scheduling tasks and making plans, project managers need a different DevOps environment approach. They have to play a more proactive role as a faster development pace, and continuous delivery keeps coming with new issues and problems for software projects every now and then. 

A Bigger Emphasis on MVP Approach 

With DevOps ruling the software development scene, the MVP approach continues to become more popular. Since DevOps and MVP development approaches are similar in terms of iterative development and for creating a continuous scope of value additions based on feedback, project managers in DevOps software projects need to give more emphasis on creating the basic app product following MVP protocol and leave the rest for future value additions based on the user feedback. 
Embracing the MVP development approach will also help software developers to prepare for faster development to create great software products in quick time by introducing only the basic features and elementary UI elements. The MVP approach, combined with the DevOps development environment, can boost the developers and project managers' delivery and performance. 
Since MVP allows building a software product faster while leaving the scope for further perfection through future updates, it is highly popular for projects where faster development is crucial. The project managers dealing with this time-tested approach in the DevOps environment should emphasize testing automation and final testing output to ensure optimum performance. 


DevOps has emerged as the most promising software development approach in recent times. Hence, it has become so extensively popular among developers, development firms, and businesses with a focus on high-quality software output in minimum time. No wonder traditional project management skills need to evolve to accommodate the demands of the DevOps approach. The future of software development seems to be inseparable from this approach.