Telerik TeamPulse agile project management software helps you manage requirements & bugs, plan releases and track progress, while keeping your team constantly connected. The tool has great responsiveness which allows you work fast and easy, but also use it on a tablet.

According to their website TeamPulse’s most interesting features are:

  • Multi-project support for all list and board views

  • Analysis of the  iteration status, people status, plus a wide range of tracking, bugs, requirements & planning reports

  • Customization abilities

  • Integration with any version of Microsoft TFS, including Team Foundation Service

  • Feedback Portal  (add-on) to collect and manage ideas, feature requests and feedback

It seems like the UX team behind the tool has put a lot of effort as the tool is very intuitive. I especially like the way features are organized in it by modes. It consists of Work, Plan, Analyze and Settings mode. The Work mode provides you with all the views that you need for everyday tasks such as My Perspective where you can see the current status of all the work assigned to you. There you can also find your timesheet, the team task board, as well as shared and personal views.

Those views are actually custom views. Everyone can create such a view, apply all the necessary filters to it, choose whether to display the information as a list or board, and then save it as a personal private view or as a shared view to share it with the whole team or only specific members of it.

The boards are also customizable, so you can choose which statuses you are interested to see and what should be the transition states. Work in progress (WIP) limits can be set in a couple of clicks, so from a scrum task board it turns into a Kanban board. If you have too many items in a column, it gets colored in red if above the maximum or in yellow if below it.

TeamPulse provides full multi-project support for all board and list views. So you can choose what to be displayed – work items for a single project, a couple of more important projects, or all the projects you are currently involved in.

I consider TeamPulse a collaboration solution as it provides plenty of features that would definitely have an impact on a team’s communication and collaboration. The activity stream is like a feed of updates that you can comment on, mention teammates and discuss work items in context. In TeamPulse each item has a comments section and a detailed history tab, so the user can always refer to all the updates that an item has had since its creation up until now.

Work item properties in TeamPulse are very rich. I see that very beneficial when grooming your backlog, scheduling and planning. At the same time tracking the items’ progress and the health of all projects happens from one view. It’s called the Iteration Status and basically shows a burndown chart of each project, as well as all the late, unplanned and blocked items in each project. So it takes a glance to identify potential issues and act early on them.  Along with those, TeamPulse also has a wide range of planning, bugs, requirements and tracking reports.


Telerik TeamPulse offers a two-way synchronization of user stories, tasks and problems with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2008, 2010 and 2012, as well as the Team Foundation Server. The tool also integrates with Microsoft Lync 2010, Telerik Test Studio automated testing solution, and oData.


On top of TeamPulse users can add the Ideas & Feedback Portal add-on. It allows you to collaborate with all stakeholders, as well as collect and manage all the ideas, feature requests and feedback that you get. Thus, the feedback items are automatically stored in TeamPulse and from there it takes a click to turn them into stories, bugs, or issues.


If you are new to TeamPulse, you will have to get the Starter Pack first. It includes 5 user licenses and a TeamPulse server. That costs $1,499. Then, every additional user costs $249. The Ideas & Feedback Portal add-on is $2,999.